SBY Gives Provisions to Prabowo-Sandi Ahead of the Presidential Election Debate

Kolom Warta. Ahmad Riza Patria, Chairperson of the Gerindra Party DPP, argued that the chairman of the DPP and Susilo Bambang Yudoyono, the chairman of the Democratic party, would give direction or advice to both partners, Prabowo-Sandi, in the face of the upcoming presidential election debate.

"Input from SBY is important because he won twice in the Presidential Election," explained Riza in Jakarta, Thursday (01/03/2019).

Riza made a statement that, Sosilo Bambang Yudoyono, or usually called SBY, the former 6th president of the Republic of Indonesia, had very smart thoughts to fight the defense stronghold during the upcoming presidential election debate.

In addition, according to him, the handling of the problem of terrorism must be fair, so that the case in Papua is not considered an armed group, but the case in Poso is a terrorist group.

Previously, the Director of Material and Debate of the Prabowo-Sandiaga National Winning Body (BPN), Sudirman Said said Democratic Party Chairperson Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) invited all members of the National Winning Body (BPN) Debate Directorate on Friday (4/1).

"SBY invited the debate team to provide input because he was very experienced in competing twice and leading the country for 10 years," said Sudirman Said at the Indonesian KPU Office, Jakarta, Wednesday.
This was attempted to face the first session of the presidential and vice presidential debate which fell on January 17 with the theme Law, Human Rights, Terrorism and Corruption.

In addition to SBY, according to him, there are also a number of professors who will provide their knowledge but not announced to the public.

The Commission scheduled the first debate on Thursday (17/1) with the theme of law, human rights, corruption and terrorism to be held at Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta.

At the meeting conducted by SBY and the Prabowo-Sandi pair, discussed further about preparations ahead of the presidential election and SBY gave direction and discussion on the upcoming Presidential Election Debate.


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