Prabowo Focuses on Improving Material in the Civil Debate

Rakyat Press. Director of Material and Debate Prabowo-Sandi National Winning Body, Sudirman Said said his champion would focus on offering improved improvements in the upcoming first presidential debate. Sudirman said that this better offer was a challenge for Prabowo-Sandi as a contender for potential incumbents.

"We call it a repair room. If we don't offer repairs, it is not interesting, "said Sudirman at the Prabowo-Sandiaga Media Center, Jalan Sriwijaya, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Wednesday, January 9, 2019.

Sudirman said, the offer of improvement was arranged after the Prabowo-Sandi team highlighted various problems that occurred during the incumbent's administration. The team, he said, analyzed what was lacking and what needed to be improved in the current era of government.

The first presidential debate will take place on our day on January 17 at Hotel Bidakara, South Jakarta. The debate will carry the theme of law, human rights, corruption, and terrorism and broadcast live by Televisi Republik Indonesia, Radio Republik Indonesia, Kompas TV, and Rajawali TV.

Sudirman said, the team continued to discuss in preparing the material for the provision of Prabowo-Sandi in the upcoming debate. He said, the team would only supply material without doing polished polish on either.

Sudirman said, several parties were invited by him to discuss, including coalition party politicians who sat on the HUKUm of the House of Representatives, academics, and former Corruption Eradication Commission. Sudirman did not specify who the academics would be asked for opinions.

"Some are academics who are ASN (state civil apparatus) and are not necessarily willing to be disclosed, but are willing to provide input," he said.

Even though like that, Sudirman confirmed that former Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission Bambang Widjojanto was one of the figures who would provide input needed by Prabowo-Sandi.

"Bambang has had a long discussion with us. He standby we contacted, "said the former Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Deputy Chairperson of the Prabowo-Sandiaga National Winning Body, Priyo Budi Santoso, Previously said Bambang was invited to be a resource person after his name was dropped from the list of panelists in the General Election debate. In addition to Bambang, Priyo mentioned the name of the former chancellor of the Sultan Agung Semarang Islamic University in the period 2009-2013.

The former ministers of the Petahana camp and former commissioners of the National Human Rights Commission were also said to be helping Prabowo - Sandiaga. From the group of former ministers there were Sudirman Said, Ferry Mursyidan Baldan, and Tedjo Edhy Purdijatno.As well as the former commissioner of the National Human Rights Commission in the Prabowo camp, Siane Indriane and Ansori Sinungan.

BPN spokesperson, Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak said the current government ministers would provide input regarding the loopholes that could be criticized by the incumbent candidate's government.

"They will provide positive inputs, what is lacking in Pak Jokowi's government, what is more," Dahnil said.

Prabowo-Sandi will focus on the issue of Human Rights Novel Baswedan which until now the case has not been completed.


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